Saturday 23 November 2019

Hearing loss

What are the common behaviors associated with hearing loss- Adults with acquired hearing loss of late onset go through Kubler-Ross's five stages of greif: denial, anger, barganing, depression and acceptance. When it comes to understanding the psychology of hearing loss, your main task is to be tolerant and non judgmental listener, helping each patient adjust on their own terms to their acquired hearing loss.

Friday 22 November 2019

Hearing loss

Hearing loss is a communication disorder of gradual onset. This means that the hearing loss occurs slowly over many years. Typically, the hearing loss comes on so slowly that the individual is not even aware of the change as it occurs.

hearing loss

What is the basic psychology of hearing loss- Hearing impaired patients sometimes have behaviors that are hard or us to understand. These often challenging behaviour and personality traits, when put in the context of a lifelong hearing impairment, are normal. For the person who experiences hearing difficulties, hearing loss is usually just the beginning of a series of social obstacles.